MFT (My Free Taxes) Program

Benson Associates is proud to announce our partnership/collaboration with United Way and the MFT Program. We understand that not everyone is in a position to afford the help they need, but everyone still needs to file their taxes. That is why we’re honored to be able to share this information with you.




What is MyFreeTaxes?

MyFreeTaxes is an online tax filing program that helps anyone of any income file their taxes for
free. Provided by United Way, MyFreeTaxes also connects filers to VITA (Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance) programs to have their taxes prepared for them for free. You can easily access from your computer, a mobile phone or tablet and can file federal and unlimited
state returns for free.

Why does United Way offer MyFreeTaxes?


United fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person, in every community.
We give people the financial education and tools to build a solid foundation that improves their
lives and the lives of their children. For millions of Americans, tax refunds and credits are essential

to their financial stability and success. That’s why United Way helps people save more of their hard-
earned money. So far, more than 1.2 million people have used MyFreeTaxes, saving some $250 million in tax prep fees.

Who sponsors MyFreeTaxes?

MyFreeTaxes is provided by United Way in partnership with the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance (VITA) program. The self-preparation software we use is provided by TaxSlayer as part
of their contract with the IRS VITA program.

Head to today if you need a 0 cost or self filing option.